Hi ... If you cannot reply ...Post any reply in a new thread saying merge followed by thread title ..(or pm me (ONCE only ... it will get through even if it appears not to get sent) as a last resort) ..The forums are not working correctly but this will work, albeit slowly
Welcome and glad to hear the weathers good ... I spend my life telling Australians that its wet and cold up north ..but Spring is here

Your main save folder is where your incomplete files are . If you chose alternate locations for video etc. The incompletes will still be in your main Save folder location until completion. If you move the main save folder it is likely you will damage the preferences for the incompletes and may loost them. I hope this helps.
You can delete unwanted incompletes in the Limewire library, but WHATEVER you do!.... do not delete any files you wish to keep as you will lose them permanently.