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Old March 30th, 2006
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Default Finding LW preferences folder

That's why I suggested both options of step 2 & 3. If you had used an earlier version of LW then your prefs folder will be called .limewire & found Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire

Or Windows 98 / ME: Your .limewire folder is in "C:\My Documents"

If LW 4.10 is your 1st version then the prefs folder will be called limewire without the dot in front of it & will be found here C:\Documents and Settings\*yourusername*\Application Data\limewire

Remembering the Application Data folder is "Hidden"!

BTW there's sample images for both. Limewire at bottom post & .limewire the previous post.

*** BTW if you're using windows XP sp2 then see these links MS & 3rd party patches ***
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