legal shmeagle Here we go again---Why do I bother?
Because I have the patience of a saint? No, because I enjoy patronising people who ask question based on mental laziness.
Do spend some time actually reading some of the guides and threads on the subject before posting,there's a good chap. It did occur that as you are unable to spell "curious", that might be a bit too complex for you.
The PROGRAMME is perfectly legal,as indeed are virtually all P2P applications and Bit Torrent. (except the scam sites which charge you for open source freeware)
In most countries, except Canada , it IS AN OPFFENCE TO download/ copy copyrighted material of any kind. That means songs, films, TV programmes, and books--unless you pay a fee to the licensed provider,as in pay-per-view TV,and various download sites, where you pay per song---
Are you gonna be arrested, beaten to a pulp and thrown in the slammer years,and years and YEARS? Fairly unlikely, unless you are a professional pirate. Even less likely if you are a minor,in which case the worst that can probably happen is your dad will yell at you,and take away your PC for a week..
As I say, all the bloody time:-If you have problems, or are fearful---Don't bloody use P2P!!!!!!
Cheers |