This could be a long-winded reply.
With so many versions out there, it would be best if you say which version you're using. I assume a recent one if you're new.
You have results in your search window. You get better download results choosing a 4 star / green host. Click on the one of your choice. Hit download any.
If you don't see the song appear in the download window at the bottom, the window may be out of view, you can make this window expand with the little up and down arrows just to the left on the seperator bar.
You can monitor it's progress there.
The songs you download are by default stored on your hard drive
C:\Program Files\Limewire\Shared.
You can also see them if you click the Library tab>Shared.
Sometimes the connection has gone and then you have to connect by hand - Find this in File>Connect.
If you have no connections - you can add hosts.
Click View: tick connections, the Connections tab should then appear in the top menu. Select this and you will see the connections you have or not in some cases.
You can get new host numbers to connect to from
www.gnufrog.com but connections are somewhat better with the new versions these days.
To add a new host ie. 123.456.78.123 (the numbers you wrote down from gnufrog- only use hosts with 6346 suffix) you can type them into the oblong box and hit Add. It may not stick and you may have to do it a few times, but it somestimes gets it up and running. You don't have to type in the 6346 it's already in there for you.
I'm using version 1.9b and it's new to me as yet and I'm still finding my way around the new features. But I hope this is of help.