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Old April 1st, 2006
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One thing to remember if you are choosing things that do not have allot of sources it can take forever to DL them. I had a movie take a little over a year one time. Apparently the only person that had it was a shareza user and that user and I would only cross paths when they had an available slot on rare occasions. Then I would only DL at 2 to 3KB/s I would get between 1% and 5% of the file each session. I currently have 5 files that I have been working on for several months and they are between 1% and 70% these files appear to only have 1 or 2 host that have them. Now if I choose newer popular files I can DL a 700MB file in about 1 hr. So the problem you are having is not uncommon on rarer files which from your description is what you are trying to download. The only advice I can give you is to do manual searches for them occasionally and every once in a while high light them and click on find sources. Don't forget that the people that have the files you are trying to DL are probably sharing other files also and the odds are there Q is full so it is basically a crap shoot once in a while you may connect but most of the time you won't.
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Later Grandpa
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