What is in this forum considered an adequate time a poster should wait until he could expect a reply to his/her question??
I've tried to figure this out by myself by reading all relevant stickies and forum rules, but unfortunately couldn't find any information about it (though I accept being blamed for suffering from a possible infrequent blindness every now and then

And in addition to this question, it would be interesting to know what moderators would advice the poster to do in case this adequate time has passed without any responds??
I just noticed that most posters, especially the first time posters, seem to sit in front of the screen, after posting their call for help, bitting their nails nervously in expectation of an instant responds not realising that the moderators might be overwhelmed from the huge amount of requests.
So, if there would be something you, the moderators, call an adequate time for waiting, why not presenting this information in a sort of Java-script pop up in connection to the posters 'click' on to the submit button?!?
Something like "Thanks for your post, the members of this forum will try to reply in the next XXX hours/days/weeks. Please be patient !", after which the poster has to click onto an 'OK' button to let the communication window (I know that's the wrong word for it, the right one lies on my tongue but won't get out) disappear.
(Okay, and if you suspect me to have some selfish reasons behind my idea, you're d@#m right.........but I am patient and will wait until one of you nice guys steps into my unanswered post

) [Nevertheless, I believe such an info could prevent a lot of unnecessary posts, which I've found throughout this forum]