Originally Posted by Only A Hobo Umm which question do you have in mind?  Moderators do not tend to answer a lot of questions ..that is not their job. Many senior members and also many much less senior members answer the questions here and lotr does more than his fair share of the work. Double posted questions and those written incomprehensibly or containing little or no helpful information tend to get ignored. Questions with a follow up posted 5 minutes later do not figure well in my book. If I don't know how to answer a question I leave it. A post with zero responses or at least no replies from a senior member will recieve more attention from others.
Also questions asked more than 24 hours ago dissappear from the latest posts search. I had a quick look at your previous posts and don't know which one you mean. The forums have been upside down recently as you are aware, we've done our best, but a few questions may have slipped under the mat .. so gentle message saying "anybody please" in your thread will bring it to the top of the list  I'm not sure any great changes are required to the system .. seems to work pretty well to me .... usually. |
Being a non-native English speaker (as I am) includes sometimes the risk to be misunderstood by a wrong choice of words. Please accept my apology for that!!
My post was not intended to be a complain. It was actually a serious suggestion, which I thought could possibly make the lives of those who answer all the questions from the posters a bit easier (my thoughts at that point were actually with people like LOTR and birdy, as well as you -since I saw a lot of useful advice of you too).
On the other hand I could easily put myself in the situation of those who have a problem and try desperately to find an answer, yet do not spend enough time with reading all the threads and stickies.
My final comment -kept in brackets- was then just born out of my German heritage, or German humor/ironic, which I know is not always comprehended well from other people; yet, sometimes I just can't resist.........I hope you understand and accept.