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Old April 5th, 2006
n0ukf n0ukf is offline
Join Date: April 5th, 2006
Location: Far Northern Minnesota
Posts: 2
n0ukf is flying high

My blank window starts with the startup splash (about when the scrolling animation at the bottom should be), but it's not gray or white, it's black. If I reboot and Limewire is the first thing I've started, it's usually ok, but if I've been running a while and have used other apps first, I'll get this blank window (the splash, main window and the hints window). Also, the first time I used it, I left it running overnight and in the morning when I quit the screensaver, I had black, blank window.
I'm using Win98se on an AthlonXP 2400+ with 512mb RAM and NVIDIA GeForce FX5500
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