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Old April 6th, 2006
qrisjin qrisjin is offline
Join Date: April 2nd, 2006
Posts: 2
qrisjin is flying high

Dear Grandpa
Perhaps you should keep you opinions to yourself. It seems you lack the congative depth to understand what my point was. Maybe you should go back and read my post more slowly. Unfortunately BabelFish does not make a mono-sybolic translator so you may have to study up before you tackle such a challenging read. I'm sure you have plenty of space in your schedule as you seemingly have the time to flame posters in forums. Grow up. Moreover, quoting lame fantasy movies does not make you seem intelligent. You've only proven your un-originality by leaning on the crutch of previously written matterial to convey your hostility. Although, I can understand why you might be upset when others are able to run intellectual circles around you. As you may (or may not) see, flaming is an art the requires elegance and intelligence. Even 5-year-olds can dish out blatant insults. Well, I'd like to stay an chat some more but my schedule is not as liberal. This completes your first lesson in the art of flame. Good day sir.
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