Hi Mands,
The port test ("your test worked") just means that LW's default port isn't being blocked. The bug report result just means that there's a firewall prob.
Next time your husband phones, you could ask him who your ISP is. If you like, you could ask him about your modem/router... he might know the brand & model. Quite often, these devices have their own internal firewall & this can be a problem for LW. If this all sounds a bit confusing, wait til he comes home & make him try to sort this out

That is, if you still want to try with LW
Hi foolofthehill,
Of course I can take a joke!! "He" is a
she btw

I'm a computer dummy but one of the few things I know how to do is a screen capture, I can show you how in 487 easy lessons!! German humour isn't so different from Aussie humour (in Waldshut I saw a huge teddy bear hanging out of someone's upstairs window... with his underwear on his head! Very Aussie-like).