I just got LW 2 days ago. Was firewalled and searched this forum for hours trying ti figure it out. Used the "delete LW prefs" and it worked great. I left my machine on all night thinking it would give my downloads time to complete. When I woke up this morning LW was very slow barely a connection. I restarted my machine thinking it would help but now Im firewalled again. I tried deleting Lw again but no help. I am downloading my current items but cant search. Please help. My firewall is configured(i Think)
LW ver: 4.10.9
Firewall: norton
ISP: Tiny small town cable (Wabash independant networks(WIN))
P.S. I have eDonkey also (

sorry) and it wont work either. thats why I got LW. But I got LW to work (temporarily) and the donkey is still dead.