Protection Vs Anonymity Highkite
This thread has developed into two distinct flavours, which should not be confused with each other, and those flavours are protection and anonymity.
Now, your firewall, anti-virus, PG2, etc. only offer protection, the makers of these programs have never ever said that your PC would become anonymous when using their software while surfing the internet. I believe that you, like many others, have read into these protective programs facilities that just aren't there. Therefore, don't confuse protection with making you or your PC anonymous.
As for anonymity, if you take your laptop and sit outside a company's wi-fi station then you most definitely will remain anonymous but if you are spotted you are likely to be arrested, unless you are using a students' wi-fi set up.
Also remember, ISPs have ways of throttling back P2P traffic without affecting the rest of their internet traffic, so if certain wi-fi stations show excessive P2P traffic it can be cut without a moments notice.
UK Bob |