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Old April 8th, 2006
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This is not the first time Optimum users have had this happen to them. It happened Back in Dec. 2005. The first link is when we noticed a sudden influx of Optimum users not being able to connect.

The second link is when Optimum admitted the problem was on their end and were working on it. They never admitted they were blocking or shaping P2P traffic though.

Now the same thing has happened again all of the sudden a few days ago we started seeing a large group of Optimum users not being able to connect all of the sudden. Which strongly points to the problem being on their end. You might want to read through the links at the very least it will give you some knowledge of Optimum's previous behavior.

With that knowledge at least the service rep will not be able to lie to you. There are a couple of links in those threads that explain what technology they use to shape of filter P2P apps.
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Later Grandpa
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