Thread: Need for speed
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Old April 9th, 2006
Blade Blade Blade Blade is offline
Join Date: March 3rd, 2006
Posts: 24
Blade Blade is flying high
Default another issue identified

Thanks grandpa, I will check that out too.

For now I have identified another issue that kills download speed in LW. Have you guys noticed that when you first start up LW it connects with a high speed for a couple of minutes then your speed goes down the toilet?

This is what happens: I have a little utility tool called iPulse ( that monitors my system. This shows that about a minute or two after I star LW it starts reading the hard drive with 7-8 MB/s, this instantly kills download speed that were running at full speed upon launching it, and it never really recovers from here, only goes back to 10-15 kb/s. This is the point where unplugging the modem helps.

However, I am not sure why LW reads the hard drive but this is the point where download speeds pretty much die and recovers to a very slow speed only.

This does not happen with any other program but with LW only, I can download with a browser or other downloading software but only LW causes this issue.

Try iPulse (or other utilites) and see how this happens on your machine.

Last edited by Blade Blade; April 9th, 2006 at 09:53 AM.
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