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  #205 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2006
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As near as I understand it you get those errors when you don't have enough direct memory/ram. From what I understand Java uses direct memory which is ram and virtual memory which is hard drive. Direct memory is faster than virtual memory and the limit on direct memory and virtual memory is set in the Java code. Which if you know how to write code you can change it. No I do not know how to write code.

Anyway if it is set to use to much direct memory then you will get this error. It is possible that Java is corrupt but I do not know. I have changed the format of your bug report to notepad it is essayer to read. The link below is to a thread in the beta section where you should post it with a description of what was happening with LimeWire at the time of the error,(If you know)
Attached Files
File Type: txt foolofthehill internal error.txt (3.1 KB, 493 views)
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