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Old April 10th, 2006
Elizabeth81 Elizabeth81 is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: September 20th, 2005
Posts: 64
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Default Is this possible?

I kind of have a doubt in my mind that it's possible but I thought I'd ask anyways. I have a hard time finding files I need and when I use the All Types tab, all I get is mostly audios and honestly, I'm getting kinda sick of seeing them instead of other things like pics, videos etc... So I think because I always get audios, it's harder to get the files in other types like pics and videos. Is there a way I can "filter" out audios so I can get the files in other types or do I have to type the file in the video tab and the image tab etc...? Audios seems extremely popular on limewire, you find them more than anything else!
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