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Old April 10th, 2006
keakea530 keakea530 is offline
Join Date: May 22nd, 2005
Location: n. ca
Posts: 7
keakea530 is flying high
Default Why not "Blackball" hosts who purposly create missleading files?

I have downloaded so many files that contain "Addons," "Adware," and "Trojon Horses," that is has become a near nightmare to try and download at all. I've learned a lot, and some of what to avoid, yet still get fooled. I have so many hosts blocked now, that my searches usualy begin with the blocked hosts at the top of the lists. Is this a scam being run by unscrupulous people? If so, perhaps LW could find a way to interveen without stepping on the freedom of others? A lot to ask, isn't it?
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