Okay, so only recently I've been having this problem with Limewire. For the most part, every time I try to download a song, it completely stops at about 96%-99%. I don't get it....the quality is four stars, the # is abundant, the connection bar is full, the status says that it's still downloading with like a host/2 hosts/4 hosts. But the speed says 0 k/b...and it just stays at that certain percentage (96%-99%) and never finishes downloading. I've waited for extensive periods of time...but still nothing.
Well, also about two weeks ago, my household has changed it's internet connection from dial-up to comcast, and I noticed that these problems started taking place about the same time....so could that have something to do with this problem for limewire?
I would really appreciate if someone could help me out and give me some advice.