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Old April 14th, 2006
DAYTA DAYTA is offline
Join Date: April 14th, 2006
Posts: 1
DAYTA is flying high

Originally Posted by jolly oscars
i just recently downloaded the newest version of limewire onto my mac iBook. i have been unable to download any files since i have upgraded, i dont have pro though. when i type something to search the whole page goes white. if i click at places where things are they become visible, but i still dont think i can do anything because it would be very very tedious to highlight every option. please help me! was it something i did in the options? should i try applying a skin?

thanks in advance for your help!
I'm having the exact same problem. I just downloaded 4.10 Basic (running OSX 10.2.8), and now whenever I try to search for a file, I simply get a blank white screen. There's no title in the search tab, though I can revert back to the original "Search" screen. Please help!!!

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