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Old April 14th, 2006
johnyboy johnyboy is offline
Join Date: February 15th, 2006
Posts: 49
johnyboy is flying high

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings
At least the files LW couldn't move to Library are complete. So you can use them.
i can say confidently that is not the case. the files marked "could not move to library" were definetely not complete -- they were all well under the size that they should have been

My guess is LW's been running for a long time & used up a massive amount of virtual memory. And as a result, you've run out of HDD space whilst LW was open or LW simply stopped functioning properly due to the VM build up.
nope, i was using the computer at the time it happened once and there's no way that happened -- unless it was very quickly filled up and then very quickly emptied again but i really doubt that. i had at least 15GB spear anyway. i would have noticed that being filled up.

seems very odd. i searched for "could not move to library" and it seemed to be a serious problem some time ago for windows users. i didn't notice it saying that the downloads.dat and downloads.bak files were gone/missing/deleted which is actually the really serious part.

It might be an idea to clean out some of your incompletes anyway as that will put much less pressure & stress & demand less VM on LW; Tip: Purge the Downloads Queue!
the second time lw had already well and truly purged the downloads que for me -- all gone. and i threw away the prefs. hardly any things were in the incompletes folder and hardly any things were in lw's downloads list -- maybe 20 max the second time it happened. i don't think there was that many the first time either.

nope, i appreciate your answer but i don't think it's right at all. maybe i'm paranoid, no i'm being silly.. is there anyway something like that could be induced by someone -- another lw user? i'm probably way off there myself. it just seems a odd. months and months of use, nothing like it. then twice in space of a few days it happens -- all partially dl'ed files useless (i haven't used it since.) i might try and update and try using lw again.

i'm thinking of making a little app myself that every 30 seconds or so copies / backs up the downloads.dat file, because the loss of that has been my main problem with lw throughout my use of it over the years. some previous versions to what i'm using now were terrible because that happened regularly and now it's happening again, although in a very different and odd way. it's very annoying because it wastes so much dl time (and when you're on a modem/dial up that's more valuable i think).

a utility that could remake a downloads.dat file from the partially downloaded files would be truly fantastic app from my point of view.

Last edited by johnyboy; April 14th, 2006 at 12:29 PM.
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