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  #364 (permalink)  
Old April 14th, 2006
NewCyberian NewCyberian is offline
Join Date: April 10th, 2006
Posts: 4
NewCyberian is flying high

Well my fellow Cyberians, if nothing else, it seems we are on the same page, so to speak. I'm pretty sure we will be left to our own devices when it comes to solving anything. Most of what we seek has been on one wish list or another since the very beginning. Now I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the engine already performs most if not all of the abstract functions, just not necessarily on the specific data field(s) we want the function to process. Tell ya what, and I'm making no promices, but I'm gonna pull down the source code and developer kit and see if maybe some light weight Limewire Data Base "toolkit" can be tinkered together. Stief - Could you elaborate on that a bit. Just how does one identify a "harmless junk file"? I've had some pretty ugly **** jump out of Zip files that had been in the system for quite some time but remained undetected(able) until unzip. Either way, tell me more. FI) must you take and hold the entire file/or will a virtual "placeholder suffice?
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