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Old April 16th, 2006
LimeMAN LimeMAN is offline
Join Date: March 7th, 2006
Posts: 26
LimeMAN is flying high
Default Speed tip for LW win users

From the start, limewire has always run sluggishly on my PC with WInxp. I heard that updating JAVA would improve performance; NOTHING doing. However, I just converted my C: drive to NTFS from FAT32 and noticed a VERY substantial improvement in performance! It's worth it to do so.

Here's how:

Just go to the Command Prompt and execute the command:

C:\> CONVERT C: /fs:ntfs

Where C: is a name of the drive you want to convert.

After machine re-boot conversion process will start and you'll have your FAT32 converted to NTFS without data loss.

*Note for users concerned about data loss*
I did this conversion whilly nilly, on 2 PCs, and had NO TROUBLE converting. It also only took about 7 minutes or less for each. No problems. However, it never hurts to backup before any conversion or system change. I lost no data, and the computers now run faster and all, esp. Limewire.
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