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Old April 17th, 2006
johnyboy johnyboy is offline
Join Date: February 15th, 2006
Posts: 49
johnyboy is flying high

Originally Posted by et voilą
Salut all, the downloads.dat or downloads.bak (the backup of downloads.dat) will erase data of an incomplete file that just completed (maybe if the file is deleted from LW library also), so its normal to decrease in size. Your utility should backup on a time course more than size growth of the file.
the danger is that if the downloads.dat file becomes corrupt (and later dated), the corrupt version will be backed up over a good back up that my utility has made making the whole thing useless. i think i've got the logic of it sussed now. every x number of minutes it does the following:

if original downloads file is same size or larger than the backup:
     copy original -> backup
if original downloads file is smaller
     rename backup to a dated/timed named permenent backup
     copy original -> backup
Maybe your utility should also backup the incomplete files also if you have enough disk space.
maybe. the loss of the downloads.dat/bak file has been my main problem with lw, not so much with loss or currupt partial files (although who knows -- maybe i get that aswell without knowing because once the downloads.dat/bak file has gone the partials are as good as useless). i'll see how this goes first.

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