Using Limewire - video files without audio! I'm not a very savvy user - either with my Mac (os10) or P2P - yet. I've had some success getting the television shows that I want - but I frequently find that although the video is nearly perfect, there isn't any audio. I'm using Quick Time and RealPlayer and I did download DivX - although I'm not sure how that's supposed to help. I know I need the correct codecs - but I have no idea which one for what. Most of the troubled files are .avi - and I'm really, really poor and without a credit card to my name, so I cannot download any applications or codecs that are not available for free (the whole reason I am using Limewire to download TV shows is because we cannot afford cable TV any longer - however, my priorities are indeed straight and we do have cable for our internet connection.)
Can someone please help? Thanks. Please email me at [email] :-)
- Xan Sorry we don't allow email addresses in posts for safety reasons & to follow with forum rules!
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; April 18th, 2006 at 12:04 AM.