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Old April 17th, 2006
panama panama is offline
Join Date: April 17th, 2006
Posts: 1
panama is flying high
Angry Please Can The Powers That Be Help Me

Hey guys and gals how is everybody, my problem is this after having saved quite alot of audios and visuals, (I take this time to say thank you to all those who have let me share music files with them), while downloading a movie limewire crashed on me. After restarting computer, I have found that all my saved files are now red, and there and no figures in my upload, hits or location fields on the right hand side of my screen in my library. My fear is that perhaps no-one at this time is able to share files with myself as this brings great anger to myself reason being that I have obtained these files in the same manner and cannot share. I've checked all my tabs at the top of my screen , nothings changed. WHAT CAN I DO TO RECTIFY THIS PROBLEM?
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