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Old December 24th, 2001
VTOLfreak VTOLfreak is offline
Crazy Scientist
Join Date: November 17th, 2001
Location: Belgium
Posts: 374
VTOLfreak is flying high

That's on the core level , really yanking the heart of the ad code out .

If you just wanna neuter the ads so they don't bother you it's enough to just fiddle around with CyDoor .

Replace the existing file in /Windows/system/ with this one .
Then mark it "read-only" because CyDoor has a habbit of repairing and reinstalling itself .

CyDoor won't be out of your system but rendered useless .
Were the ads used to be in LW is now just a grey square .

Last edited by 6_pac; February 1st, 2008 at 12:05 AM.
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