just read this on zeropaid.com:
Morpheus 2.0
posted by ebeats on December 22, 2001 @ 03:00am
I just received via e-mail the "Morpheus Minute", letting all members know of the upcomming release of morpheus version 2.0. There is a quite interesting remark that morpheus will now also provide links (are they referring to connecting?) to the gnutella network! If So, I smell trouble for other gnutella applications. Here is part of the email I received.
Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground, Morpheus 2.0 (M2) will be launching soon! The StreamCast Networks Tech Gurus have been working diligently to develop a new feature set to give you the best p2p user-experience possible. M2 features include XP compatibility and links to the Gnutella network, further enhancing your ability to connect and communicate with millions of people all over the world. Stay tuned for more details!
what do you guys think about this? what will happen to the gnutella net if all the morpheus search queries will be passed through it?