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Old April 20th, 2006
johnyboy johnyboy is offline
Join Date: February 15th, 2006
Posts: 49
johnyboy is flying high

I found out it was my set up which was causing the downld problem. I was using Speed Download. It was misreading the MIME of the filetype or something like that. But using browser by itself worked fine.
oh right i couldn't download it in both safari and firefox (although in safari it kind of dl'ed but i just didn't get the file). in firefox it sent the download off to iGetter and iGetter promtly downloaded the attachment html file. it did remind me of a set up problem though -- i remember in explorer you could set different actions for a whole load of different file types -- i don't see that kind of option in safari anywhere though. i haven't looked in firefox.

anyway not easy to dl zip attachments on here that's for sure.

Thanks for the program johnyboy.
cool, glad you got ok
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