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Old April 22nd, 2006
lawrenpx lawrenpx is offline
Join Date: April 22nd, 2006
Posts: 2
lawrenpx is flying high
Default LW Hanging

Thanks for the advice.

I'm sure getting greedy on the number of downloads is the original cause of the problem, although in the past I had many more downloads, or files waiting for downloading, compared to now.

My problem now is that LW is stuck "Loading Old Downloads" which never complete (have waited all day) so I can't even get a chance to Cancel any. When I go to Library, to delete Incomplete files, LW totally freezes and I have to kill it.

I'll try to be patient again and see if the "Loading Old Downloads" completes but I may have to go to more extreme measures - unload LW software and the reload??? - if that would work. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, your the best!
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