Originally Posted by donny_darko I did that test and result is "false"
What's the best way to direct connect because i don't think we can remove firewall.I couldn't find information about my router in that messages so i don't think i can find a way to remove firewall and i don't think she can do either
You're good at these stuffs that's why i said that
Thanks for your helps |
Your router seems to be a sort of famous in Turkiye:
http://www.adslteknoloji.com/urunler.htm http://www.veritim.com.tr/dsl.htm
You might want to try to read from there:
And thanks for the complimente, but to be honest, I'm pretty much a newby to all those sorts of things (Ip, UPnP, Firewall, etc). But by comming here everyday I can learn a lot and that knowledge I try to use to help others. You know, giving up is not an option for me, since there must be a way to fix it......