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Old May 23rd, 2006
malonn malonn is offline
Join Date: May 23rd, 2006
Posts: 26
malonn is flying high
Default Limewire causes my DSL to crash

Limewire will cause my dsl to crash - I have no problems connecting. I'll start downloading (usually video that causes the problem) and it will cause my DSL to crash, and I then have to go and connect it. At first I figured it wasn't a big deal, because it didn't happen that often. It happens often now. Usually, now, when it crashes, I'll reconnect, and it crashes again before Limewire has a chance to reconnect. I used to have a cable modem, and it never did this. I live in an area now where I can't use cable (the company won't install in my location). I tried the connection troubleshooting posts already, and deleting my preferences folder did help, for a while, then it started crashing again. Any help would be appreciated.
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