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Old May 28th, 2006
nedswife nedswife is offline
Join Date: March 29th, 2006
Location: queensland, australia
Posts: 37
nedswife is flying high
Smile thanks a lot

ell, somewhere along the line, something weird happened to my folder I was downloading the music to....... I had it in for e.g. "blah blah blah, "my playlist"......... and then SOMEHOW, the word "desktop" ended up in the middle of that file name........ I don't know how, and when I went into LW tools, to try and change it, going through my menus from "my computer", even when I picked folders without "my desktop" in them, THERE it would be...... "my desktop" was inserting ITSELF into my file address!!!!!

Anyway.......... what I did was........ I just used the default address for sharing, and moved "my playlist" over to that file....... so we'll see what happens now.

I checked that link you gave me Hobo........ but I don't really understand it. I don't know how to check if my file is read or write only... when I went into "my playlist" , then properties...... there was only one box giving me the choice to make it "read only", which was UNchecked........

The weird thing about it all, is that it was only SOME of my downloads coming up "disk problem", not all of them, now I think that is NOT logical, would you agree?? LOLOL.

I'll see if that fixes it, just using the default file........ but I will let you know if it doesn't, cause it will be driving me mad!.

Thanks heaps for your time and help.
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