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Old May 29th, 2006
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What do you mean by it won't let you launch it? the Limewire media player won't play video, but they should launch in your default media player. Usually if a video file won't play it is because you missing the proper codecs to play it.

XP Codec Pack 1.3.0 Is a good one for Windows media player. Be sure to install it if you d/l it.

You may want to try playing it in a different media player.

VLC media player is a good one that has the codecs built in and will play most types of files.

This thread has a lot of good info: CODECs list for Movies /Alternate players / Video help forums

Some files are bad/corrupt. Bitzi Web Lookup is a way to help sort out which files are good or not.

For help on setting default apps: Setting Default video app

Hope this helps
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