KK--I just checked and it looks like the option to block a host has been removed from current versions: it used to be quite useful.
I'm not sure of the reasons "block host" was removed, but it may have to do with the newer code. "Browse host" and "chat" involve old code, and I'm guessing they haven't been updated.
Since many (most) hosts use the newer code that works around routers and firewalls, it is not common to get a direct connection to a host. So, uploads that look like they are sharing nothing may just not be able to handle chats/browse hosts.
Still, if you really want to block an IP, copy it and manually add it to the filters in your options.
However, as Birdy says, browse/chat are unreliable, even for servents that can accept incoming connections.
(sorry Birdy--I was slow on the posting
