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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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Fine! Try MPlayer then! Or DivX Player. Most people on windows have their prefered players or player. (BTW VLC comes with different skins & you can downld more but since it doesn't work for you then it'd be a waste of time.) Stick with what works for you.

I'm primarily a mac person & have used macs for 14 years. Though I did program on unix & xenix machines before that. Windows ... well a cop out copycat from mac's unprefered option. M$ has been struggling ever since to make it work properly. lol I didn't like DOS or cp/m & these links A, & also B, & also C, & also D. Primitive BS lol I did program Z80 chips in those days using electronic programming. Not too hard for that anyway. Depended upon the combination. But a long time ago.
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