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Old June 1st, 2006
stief stief is offline
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stief has a spectacular aura about

There are many powerful interests who want to control and profit from information, and they don't like open information sharing around the world.

Those of us who do like and can handle open information sharing are glad the owner of LimeWire, Mark Gorton, made his program free and open source, so anybody (including the scammers) could modify and distribute the code.

So while powerful interests may be able to shut down LimeWire (the company), the code for LimeWire is already freely available to anyone who wants to improve and reuse it. See for a sample of a legitimate group who is continuing the ideals of LimeWire in case LW closes its doors.

BTW--the "threat" to is the best reason to keep supporting the developers who write the code for, IMHO, by donating to Pro regularly
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