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Old June 4th, 2006
ShortRoundMcfly ShortRoundMcfly is offline
Join Date: June 4th, 2006
Posts: 2
ShortRoundMcfly is flying high
Default Needs more sources... even when there is a host or two

I recently tried downloading a large mpg file off of limewire and after a few minutes in only got to 2%, which is understandible. I pleaded with the host stay on for me to download it, but I didn't even get a reply and he soon left. Then, of course, the file said it needed more sources.

I ran a search for the movie every few minutes and it would come up in the results, which means someone is hosting it correct? Even when I told the file to find new sources, it still wouldn't start downloading, even though I could clearly see that the host was there again. I've had the problem before, but only when I'm searching for this particular type of movie.
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