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Old December 29th, 2001
cultiv8r cultiv8r is offline
Join Date: August 9th, 2001
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posts: 358
cultiv8r is flying high

You've got to make sure that the client accepts incoming connections and connections from a local host (local loop for example).

I recommend getting Gnucleus, since this client is following the Gnutella specs quite closely. The more widely spread ones, like BearShare, have a tendency to do things their own way.

It is also very important that you send nothing more for each packet than specified in the descriptor's payload length, hence my use of packed records, etc. The TTL should be > 0 and the Hops should be set at 0.

If that fails, try outputting (like in a Tmemo object) what you and the other side have sent.

-- Mike
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