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Old June 9th, 2006
misterfckhd misterfckhd is offline
Join Date: June 9th, 2006
Posts: 2
misterfckhd is flying high

naturally, the one thing i see and decide to ignore as i didn't think it was the problem, turns out to be the solution.

thanks for the quick response, and sorry for making you post the same answer for whats probably the millionth time.

one other question, when i opened limewire, all my previous incompletes were gone. it seems that the folder where they're housed is now different. i moved them over and everything is downloading fine now. should this problem occur again, will this happen again? also, once i moved them to the new folder, it seems that the progress is now gone. is there a solution for that?


EDIT: i take that back. it was working at first. now it seems to jump up close to 100kps, then back to or towards 0. its downloading at least i guess. better than nothing. is there a fix for that tho?

Last edited by misterfckhd; June 9th, 2006 at 05:29 PM.
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