indication of progress and also crazy folder Hallo,
I've got a tiny problem... I mean it doesn't put me out of my sleep, but I'd like everything to work as fine as possible everywhere, so here it is :
I'm on OS X 10.4.1, and recently updated to LW 4.11.2 Pro.
Everything works fine, exept one tiny defect: on the "downloads" window, there are indications of :Name, Size, Status, Progress, Speed, and Time. And, in the Progress column, I can only see 0% for every file... even if, verifying at the library for the uncomplete files, I've got now 6 of them, indicating from128 ko to 701 Mo... I'm well aware that some time, only the place for those (for instance) 701 Mo is there, but empty... but when I try to preview them, I've got some sort of a bit of a film, sometime quite a few minutes long... so, there is definitely something on those files, inspite of the 0% indication... Should I just choose to re-download LW ?...
By the way, just in writing that post, came back to my mind an other odd thing... that one in fact had started even before I got the new update, it started when passing from OS 10.3.5 to OS X 10.4.1, and the new LW took the relay !
It continuously creates a folder which existed before I updated to tiger. It is located in the folder "users": a folder at my previous user name (just under the actual folder with my actual name), it contains a folder called "LimeWire", which contains a folder called "incomplete", which contains 3 unfinished downloaded files (0 ko each).
So, I did verify all prefs, and I also must add that in fact, when files are downloading, they got to the right place, not those folders.
I tried also over and over again to just erase those folders, and to put them in the garbage, but they come back very soon, generally, following an action in LW.
So I would very much appreciate some advise for those two things, if someone has an Idea. |