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Old December 31st, 2001
DubStar DubStar is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2001
Posts: 9
DubStar is flying high
Thumbs down

Originally posted by TruStarwarrior
Don't let the door hit you as you leave.
Nice response.. I didn't know sarcastic @$$hole was a requirement for moderators.. Maybe I should apply.

The newest version of bearshare had the same problem, so I wouldn't bother switching to it. Try this out though:

Xolox.. Not developed anymore, and it has a few weird bugs, but works better than any of the others I have tried.

As far as I can tell the Trojan will begin installing things like Bargain Buddy on you once it is up and running on your system. Bargain Buddy never showed up when my virus scanner stopped the trojan from being installed, but when it was disabled - that and another one called adp.exe were thrown into the Run key in the registry.

It would be nice if someone would pull this stuff offline so that people can stop becoming infected, though.

I always knew the advertising and virus communities would come together, they're both dirty *******s - these days...
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