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Old June 15th, 2006
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Originally Posted by bwriter
Before I start this post, let me stress that I abhor all forms of computer viruses and malware. Nevertheless, I'm sure to get some slagging from some shallow minded people who can't be bothered to read all of this posting or think things through before pronouncing judgement.

Here goes:

I find this 134.4 KB file to be extremely irritating. So why don't we set out to rid ourselves of it?
How? I hear you ask.
Fight fire with fire, I say.
Couldn't someone construct a small utility file (which, I suppose, would behave in the same way as a computer virus) that would search out all those bogus files that are 134.4 KB long and destroy them?
Before all the moralists come down on me like a ton of bricks, the medical profession isn't frightened to use such a strategy, look at anti-biotics. Then there's the washing powder manufacturers - biological cleaning.
I could search out many more examples but I'm sure you all get my point.
Let's admit that there's a war going on; us (the good guys) versus them (the spoilers). Take off the gloves and let battle commence.
So what your'e saying is that we construct a supervirus

Then I ask what happens when the wrong people get their hands on it
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