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Old June 17th, 2006
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AaronWalkhouse AaronWalkhouse is offline
***ּLegendary Axeman***ּ
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Location: My igloos melt in June.
Posts: 1,974
AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

You're just proving that you were suckered by the opposite extreme to leftist
media like thetruthseeker such as Faux News. Both ends go too far as usual,
but the only way to find the truth is to learn how to spot and filter out the lies
by watching both and spotting the occasional fact that comes through like the
situation with the new euro-based oil trading and the Bush administration's
desperate attempts to stop it.

You can't really trust the mainstream media in the US and UK anymore
because they just avoid the truth when it makes them uncomfortable. Witness
how poorly they report on the whole "PetroEuro" thing, and how you find
virtually no mention of the current situation on that front. That leaves you
with mainstream media from anywhere else, such as Canada, who don't have
owners with a stake in the game and therefore have nothing to lose by
actually reporting the news. The CBC, for example, have not been shy in
exposing the Bush administration on the one extreme and Chretien's
sponsorship fund scandals on the other.

The bottom line is you won't get to the truth by shutting your ears and hiding
in your safety zone. I get Al'Jazeera every week just to keep an eye on what
the arab people are seeing and to balance off the american press. This helps
me spot the lies and evasions on both sides of the story and therefore lets me
decide for myself where the facts lay.

Just as with grocery shopping, you have to pay attention to details and look
for a balance in order to have a healthy diet, and a little experience will teach
you to spot which products are artificial and which are junk food.
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