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Old June 18th, 2006
Midnight Pharaoh Midnight Pharaoh is offline
Join Date: June 18th, 2006
Posts: 25
Midnight Pharaoh is flying high
Default My download list keeps disappearing

I need help badly. Let's say I choose about 200 files to download. Ok they are still there. AFter a few months the ones that didn't download would disappear for no reason.

I have this issue and this is the 5th time it happened and is so annoying.

The last time I had limewire on it was just fine.

How can I have it so that it resumes the way it was with those files being ready to download? The last thing I will want to do is research them all because I worked 4 weeks finding my files.

I know it is possible because I see all the files in the incomplete folder and whereever else the data is stored if there is one.
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