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Old June 19th, 2006
Muckie Mutant Muckie Mutant is offline
Join Date: June 19th, 2006
Posts: 2
Muckie Mutant is flying high
Default Fake "Mp3"s Files?

Firstly let me apologise if this has been discussed before, i done a few searches and read hundreds upon thousands of posts looking before i posted.

From all those posts I've taken tips and still come about the same problem.

The problem is that the search results bring up 'Mp3' files (whereas usually they are displayed as 'mp3') these files are all hosted as 'T3 or higher' (which as i have read usually indicate fake files). The problem is that the search is full of all these results and no real mp3 files.

The bands i am searching for is the B**h B**s and S***le M***s both of which are 'old' bands with both being around 30+ years old.

Do i need to update my version of Limewire?

What can i do to filter these bogus files? (I've tried filtering '.Mp3' files but then this filters out real 'mp3' files)

If no one has come across this problem then hopefully i will have highlighted a problem, but I'm sure more must be having this problem.

Thanks for your help, Muxx.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; June 19th, 2006 at 11:49 PM.
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