I can't figure out what's going on and the help desk at Limewire Pro doesn't answer my questions. We recently loaded a bunch of songs into iTunes off CD. Limewire is set to share iTunes library. iTunes is set to "share music". "Sharing" in Mac System Preferences is set with the firewall "off" and the box clicked to share "iTunes".
It's weird. It almost seems like anything we download from Limewire goes into iTunes, but anything that originates from iTunes (a CD being uploaded into mp3 format) does not get shared. Yet Limewire preferences lists iTunes/iTunes music as THE file that is shared.
I have ALSO tried copying the albums uploaded into iTunes (as mp3s) into my "shared" folder, and then listing the "shared" folder (users/(my name)/shared) as another shared folder in Limewire.
But none of these songs are being shared!
Is it
possible that when you load a cd into iTunes (6.0), that apple has made the mp3 encoding UNshare-able???
Just wondering, because all I'm tryin' to do is give back, baby!
Thanks in advance for any help. -- 4trogan