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Old January 1st, 2002
Jon K. Jon K. is offline
Join Date: January 1st, 2002
Posts: 2
Jon K. is flying high
Cool Couldn't Move To Library Problem

I figured it out.

Go to "tools"

Then to "options"

The "Saving" option should be highlighted in the left hand column, if it is not, click "Saving". To the right, you should see "Save Directory". Then in "Directory" sits the address you are trying to save your files to. If the address in the directory does not match the file on your hard drive you will receive the message "Could Not Move to Library".

Click "Use Default" and it should revert back to the address designated when you installed the software. I show the default address to be C:\program files\LimeWire\2.0.2\shared. If you have changed the address (or file names) to which you want to save your files to on your hard drive, you must enter that address in the "Directory" field. For instance, I changed address to c:\program files\LimeWire\shared (in essance, I removed the 2.0.2 part of the file name) on my hard drive from the default setting listed above. What I didn't do is change the address in the LimeWire program, thus when I was downloading files, it was trying to save to a file that didn't exsist, which gave me the error "couldn't move to library".

Make sure your addresses match.

Hope This Helps!
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