Originally Posted by ravendhi Alright. After spending two days searching the net and scanning my computer. I have deleted no less than THIRTY SIX THOUSAND infected objects.
Whatever worm (worms, really) I was attacked with put thousands of "movies" on my comp in zip archives. Thank goodness I wasn't stupid enough to unzip any of them once I finally found where they'd been hidden.
(Like a lot of people I made the mistake of having Norton on my comp. Fat lot of good that did me.)
I strongly suggest Ewido Security Suite. It saved my life - if not my sanity, because two days of running nearly non-stop virus scans will turn anyone batty. |
you think you got it bad, i hit NINETY THOUSAND!
all were in some volume thingy. idk what they were but deleting them sure fixed everything. this program rocks!~ thanks grandpa