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Old January 1st, 2002
VTOLfreak VTOLfreak is offline
Crazy Scientist
Join Date: November 17th, 2001
Location: Belgium
Posts: 374
VTOLfreak is flying high
Exclamation 1.4 MB of 3 MB installer filled with junk .

I decompiled the Installer for the latest 2.0.4 BETA .
Then I deleted everything exept for the folowing list :


These are really the only files LW needs , the rest is useless .

I formated my HD , reinstalled Windows 98 and then installed the JAVA runtime 1.3.1_02

Then I simply doubleclicked on RunLime.jar .

It will automaticly write the 2 needed supplementary .dll files we also deleted .
These are also packed inside one of the .jar files , so no no need to spread them in a redistributable package .
It will also create the needed limewire.props file with your settings .

Zipped up my "version" is only 1.5 MB .
Why is the installer on the LW site more then 3 MB ?
Is really half of that installer spyware and other junk ?

I find this allot better because there is no installer trashing your system with spyware behind your back .

Now suck on that LW !