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Old June 27th, 2006
midnight_blue midnight_blue is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: May 13th, 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 81
midnight_blue is flying high

I'm having dreadful connection problems at the moment. I get connected to LW bt often the connection drops and the connection quality display drops to next to nothing. Whe nI click on conncetions I see that all tge connections I had to Ultra Peers have died and LW is trying to connect to 3 more.

I've used LW for a long time and I know how to configure the program. This has only happened since LW upgraded to 4.12.3 and only in the last 12 hours.

The connection quality drops and then sometimes it goes back to full strength. Other times it drops to almost nothing, and when I click on the "Connections" tab it shows I have a connection to one ultrapeer with many more trying to connect. Twice I have had no connection at all, and then I get a popup dialogue box to say it was trying to connect, but after that, and regardless of what I do, I can't get a connection.


This is mightly confuzing...

Last edited by midnight_blue; June 27th, 2006 at 01:45 PM.
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